~A~boutd ~F~ile ~S~ave S~a~ve as! Shift+F2 ~R~ead ~N~ewo ~C~hange directory# Set ~u~p printerl ~P~rint patternsf Print tables of ~l~inesk Write ~D~XF filem Write ~H~PGL filee ~T~ext coloursg ~G~raphics coloursh Ch~e~ck aspect ratioi E~x~it Alt-X ~C~hange ~U~nitsn Li~n~eso ~B~eamp ~L~engthq ~D~epthr ~S~temss Sp~a~ce pointst ~P~arametersu ~I~dentifierv Change~G~ ~S~tationsx ~R~ocker/Sheerliney ~D~eadrisez ~W~aterlines{ ~B~uttocks| D~i~agonals} ~A~reas/P.C. B~l~ock coeff ~I~nspect ~T~hreeD ~S~tability ~D~isplacements ~R~eference ~R~ead file Shift+F3 Copy ~f~rom hull Copy ~t~o hull Dis~c~ard file Scale ~b~eam Scale ~l~ength Scale ~d~epth See ~I~dentifier Dis~p~lacements ~Alt-X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Save ~F3~ Read V1-Change curve of areas, prismatic coefficients Correct aspect ratio of screen Change beam Change block coefficient%Change vertical longitudinal sections Text-mode changes to hull$Change directory used for data files Graphics-mode changes to hull$Change angle of slope away from keel Change depth$Change oblique longitudinal sections Tabulate displacement, etc.$Write station patterns as a DXF file Exit program: return to DOS!Change precision of fairing, etc. File handling, printing, etc. 'Select new colours for graphics screens&Write station patterns as an HPGL file#Change design identification string Check some hull quantities Change length Read lines from keyboard'Enter new hull as a table of stn coords%Print stations as patterns, full size"Print table of station coordinates Select graphics printer and mode Read new hull data file Change beam of ref. hull Change depth of ref. hull Discard ref. hull from memory+Tabulate displacements, etc., for ref. hull.Reference hull is to compare present hull with Use present hull as ref. hull(See ref. hull file name and ident string Change length of ref. hull Read new ref. hull#Replace present hull with ref. hull"Tabulate boat resistance vs. speed Change keel and gunwale lines Copyright data and history Save data in old file Save data with new file name$Space point uniformly along stations$Display righting arm, heeled draught$Change points in transverse sections Change thickness of stempieces#Select new colours for text screens Display 3-d view of stations Change units of measurement Change horizontal sections )horizontal spacing of vertical grid lines)vertical spacing of horizontal grid lines$beam: a change rescales all x values,rocker(y[0]): a change rescales all y values start of list of x,y pairs duplicate an existing x,y pair delete an existing x,y pair deadrise: a change alters y[1]#slope at base: a change alters y[1] fitting exponent at bow fitting exponent at stern$vertical distance between waterlines count goes from gunwale to keel&do least-squares fit to focussed curve!drag points, or edit spline curve,replace focussed curve with analytical curve redraw figure fitting point at bow fitting point at stern!imposing fit alters x or y values(replace focussed curve with spline curve!0=neither, 1=bow, 2=stern, 3=both height of centre of bow circle!increment in azimuth for rotation height of centre of stern circle!drag points, or edit spline curve fraction of deadrise used count starts at centreline!drag points, or edit spline curve$horizontal distance between buttocks fitting point nearer gunwale fitting point nearer keel&count goes from horizontal to vertical"increment in altitude for rotation%diagonals are equally spaced in angle keel up or gunwale up solid frames or wire model viewing angle, degrees viewing angle, degrees horizontal dimension of box vertical dimension of box.step through alt., az. increments; rt btn rvrs all text will be in this colour"the bar to the left of this prompt this area'the box above or below the mouse cursor the box the mouse cursor is in the upper box to the right the lower box to the right&the rectangle inside the lower rt. box grid lines in the graphics box grid lines in the index box labels on the grid lines borders on the boxes used for spline fits used for analytical fits)points that can be dragged with the mouse#tabular results of fit; cannot be 0'tabular results of least-square fitting.curve from reference hull (central curve here)$delete a point from the spline curve'area is area of station below waterline/number of interpolating points between stations+display spline interpolant or power-law fit.replace focussed curve with spline interpolant position of top of graphics box$calculate at multiples of this angle calculate up to this angle displacement, lb or kg+height of centre of gravity above keel line)recalculate (if angles have been changed)/trim, transverse units; positive for stern down.dist. aft of centre of w-plane area; read only print contents of graphics box-least-squares fit, or only end values and min.rescale all waterlines, or alter only this one count goes from keel to gunwale%prismatic coefficient for entire hull"prismatic coefficient for bow only$prismatic coefficient for stern only%bc is calculated up to this waterline.alter bc over whole depth, or below waterline?+block coefficient up to specified waterline%add another point to the spline curve*display reference-hull curves with others?/h. incr. that F7 moves point (F8 moves it back)/v. incr. that F7 moves point (F8 moves it back)/h. incr. that F7 moves point (F8 moves it back)/v. incr. that F7 moves point (F8 moves it back)/v. incr. that F7 moves point (F8 moves it back),hold x:y proportions fixed, or let them vary"maximum number of waterlines drawn+draw waterlines above sheerline, or cut off.draw full waterlines (both sides) or just half edit rocker or sheerline#alter trim (positive => stern down) Select colours background: text: status line: prompt line: data: foc. data: graph box: index box: inner box: gr. grid: ind. grid: borders: solid lines: dotted lines: centre lines: dashed lines: points: tabular text: tabular bgnd: ref. hull:# Check aspect ratio width of box, any units: height of box, same units: The box drawn on the screen should be a square. Enter the measured lengths of the sides above.% Isometric view of stations which way up? solid frames, or wire model? altitude (degrees): azimuth (degrees):$ Curve of areas grid spacing, h and v: nudge/print graphics box: waterline/prism. coeff.: pcs for bow and stern alone: trim:! Block coefficient grid spacing, h and v: waterline/block coeff: nudge/print graph.box: trim:! Deadrise grid spacing, h and v: fitting vertices, b and s: fitting exponents, b and s: nudge/print graphics box: impose fit Rocker grid spacing, h and v: fitting vertices, b and s: fitting exponents, b and s: nudge/print graphics box: trim: Buttocks grid spacing, h and v: buttock choice and spacing: nudge/print graphics box: No. of interpolating points: Diagonals grid spacing, h and v: fitting exponents, b and s: diagonal choice and number: nudge/print graphics box:! Sheerline grid spacing, h and v: fitting vertices, b and s: fitting exponents, b and s: nudge/print graphics box:# Waterlines grid spacing, h and v: fitting exponents, b and s: waterline choice and spacing: w.l. number/type: nudge/print graphics box:!Number of stations not acceptable"Stempiece thickness not acceptable#Distance from previous station, %s:5Sheer height not acceptable. Value of 0 will be used.SDistance from previous station not acceptable. Value of 1 (inch or mm) will be used Too many stations: max is 31 Length is not acceptable Beam is not acceptable Depth is not acceptable6 depth disp lcb hcb mch wet ar prism. block1Increment not acceptable. Old value will be used.?Depth increment not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.SNumber of steps per line of output not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.>Starting point not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.:Max. depth not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.4Trim not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.>Skin thickness not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.CStempiece thickness not acceptable. Old value will be used instead.$New depth not acceptable. Try again.4 New depth must be greater than %s %s. Try again.6Station number not acceptable. No change will be made.4Mean spacing not acceptable. No change will be made.+Maximum number of stations already attained Beam not acceptable. Try again.3Step length not acceptable. Old value will be used.1Precision not acceptable. Old value will be used.LAlternative density not acceptable. Fresh-water density willbe used instead.6Number of dots not acceptable. Old value will be used.1Box width not acceptable. Old value will be used.1Box width not acceptable. Old value will be used.2Box length not acceptable. Old value will be used.( Moment arm and heeled draught(dotted) grid spacing, h and v: angle: incr. and max, deg: displ. and cg height: Epson 9 pin Epson 24 pin HP LaserJet/Deskjet HP DeskJet C Colour HP PaintJet B&W HP PaintJet,XL Colour HP ThinkJet HP 7475A Plotter HP 7550 Plotter HP 7440 or 7470 Plotter HP LaserJet, HPGL Mode PostScript Printer Resolution Fonts Paper size LPT1 (PRN) File output Portrait Landscape Sheet Continuous Epson Very low: 60x72 dpi Epson Low: 120x72 dpi Epson Med: 240x72 dpi Epson High: 240x216 dpi Letter-quality Low: 180x180 dpi Letter-quality Med: 180x360 dpi Letter-quality High: 360x360 dpi HP Very low: 75 dpi HP Low: 100 dpi HP Med: 150 dpi HP High: 300 dpi HP Very low: 75 dpi HP Low: 100 dpi HP Med: 150 dpi HP High: 300 dpi 90 dpi 180 dpi 90 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 18 colour (XL only) 90 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 18 colour (XL only) A-size paper B-size paper A4-size paper A3-size paper A-size paper B-size paper A4-size paper A3-size paper 7440 (A4 paper) 7470 (A3 paper) A-size paper B-size paper Courier Helvetica Times Symbol ESC: cancel Enter: return F1: help text ShiftF1: this table F2: save hull ShiftF2: save hull as..*Tab: move cursor through menu items ShiftTab: move backwards&Alt=: move cursor through points Alt-: move backwards!Arrow: move cursor one pixel$ShiftArrow: move cursor eight pixels F7: nudge selected point F8: nudge backwards F5: redraw screen Press any key to continue F1:Context-sensitive help text&Shift-F1:list of graphics key bindings F2:save work Shift-F2:save work as... F5:redraw graphics screen Enter:retain changes and return ESC:cancel and return*Tried to call a non-existent DOS function: File not found: Path not found: Too many open files: File access denied: Invalid file handle: Invalid file access code: Invalid drive number: Cannot remove current directory: Cannot rename across drives: No more files: Disk read error: Disk write error: File not assigned: File not open: File not open for input: File not open for output: Invalid numeric format: Disk is write-protected: Unknown unit: Drive not ready: Unknown command: CRC error in data:#Bad drive request structure length: Disk seek error: Unknown media type: Sector not found: Printer out of paper: Device write fault: Device read fault: Hardware failure: Division by zero: Range check error: Stack overflow error: Heap overflow error: Invalid pointer operation: Floating point overflow: Floating point underflow:!Invalid floating point operation: Overlay manager not installed: Overlay file read error: Object not initialized: Call to abstract method: Stream registration error: Collection index out of range: Collection overflow error: Arithmetic overflow error: General protection fault: (Compiled 1995 Jan 18 12:08) Stripper Canoe Design Program Copyright (c) 1993,1994 Bruce Winterbon Deep River, Canada, K0J 1P0 (e-mail:bk850@freenet.carleton.ca) About this program: ~M~ore (Compiled 1995 Jan 18 12:08) This is a free demo. version; it will not read nor write data files, but has all other features of the full program at the date of compilation. (New features may have been added since then.) Stripper Canoe Design Program Copyright (c) 1993,1994 Bruce Winterbon Deep River, Canada, K0J 1P0 (e-mail:bk850@freenet.carleton.ca) About this program: of a "protected mode" version that uses your extra memory. Specify disk size, too: 5.25/360K, 3.5/720K or 3.5/1.4M. See the "Introduction" in the help screens for more information. Also, if you have a '286 or higher, tell me how much memory you have. If you have under 2MB, you are probably better off with a "real mode" program, using overlays, but with more memory you can take advantage Please tell me the type of processor ("chip") in your computer (8086, '286, '386,..) and whether you have a numeric coprocessor ('87 chip). Note that 486SX chips do not have built-in numeric co-processors, but 486DX and 486DX2 chips do. Full copies of this program may be ordered from Bruce Winterbon Deep River, Canada, K0J 1P0. (e-mail:bk850@freenet.carleton.ca) The price at the time of compilation is US$75. Order information ~M~ore This is a free demo version of this program. It is unable to read or write data files, but has all other features of the commercial version. For ordering information, select "More". ~C~ancel Mm (~4~) Cm (~5~) M (~6~) Mm (~1~) Cm (~2~) M (~3~) In (~y~) Ft (~z~) In (~a~) Ft (~b~) ~E~nglish ~M~etric Longitudinal Dimensions Transverse Dimensions System of Units Select units of measurement ~C~ancel (This string, of up to 255 characters, can be used to label this data file.) Hull Identification String Date: %s Your work will be saved as a hull data file, Hull information ~B~ackup ~A~ppend ~R~eplace You may change the name chosen for the backup file, but if an existing file has the same name as the one you have chosen, that latter file will be overwritten with no further warning. Backup: rename old file as @Append: the new data will be written at the end of the old file. UReplace: overwrite existing file. The information it contained will be lost. The file %s already exists%s ~C~ancel Warning ~C~ancel The present beam is %s %s. Altering the beam scales all widths. Enter new value for beam: %s. Change beam ~C~ancel ~R~eturn ~I~nterp A new set of stations may be interpolated with different spacing: specify the number ( ) or the mean spacing ( %s). C~h~ange Re~S~cale ~D~elete ~A~dd H Spacings Change station spacing or rescale length: %s @ Stations Enter number of station to duplicate or delete: i adding or subtracting stations or by rescaling or changing individually the spacing between stations. The boat has %s "stations": 0 is the stem, 1-%s are genuine stations, and %s is the stern. The present length is %s %s. Length is altered by Change length ~C~ancel ~S~cale ~A~dd/Del The present depth is %s %s It can be altered by scaling all vertical dimensions, or by adding or deleting points(default). Enter new value for depth: %s. Change depth ~C~ancel The present stem thickness is %s %s This is the thickness of the stem and sternpieces that the strips are fastened to. Enter new value for stem thickness: %s. Change stem thickness ~T~ables ~C~ancel ~E~lementary ) Thickness of stem- and sternpieces: Number of stations: the stempiece is station 0, the sternpiece station "n", and 1 to n-1 are the real transverse stations. Enter n: Length Depth 2Elementary boat OR Tables of lines? Units VTransverse dimensions are in %s, longitudinal in %s. To change, select "Units" button: AThe following string of up to 255 characters identifies the hull: Hull data ~C~ancel C~o~ntinue *(Give up and return to main menu ->) Height of sheer, %s: Points, %s: x is horizontal, y vertical. Points beyond the first negative one are ignored. If you need more points, insert them from the Change Stations subprogram. x y x y %s points Station points ~C~ancel x\ | / Asymmetric \ | / (different \ | / half stations --|---- on each side) | / Half | / (half stations) | / |-- \ | / Symmetric \ | / (full stations) \ | / --|-- ~S~eparate ~T~ogether = Display one at a time, or all together (Half or Symm. only) ~H~alf S~y~mmetric ~A~symmetric Type of display "Select type of display of stations ~C~ancel pThe hull trim can be temporarily altered here. The present trim (positive means stern is down) is %s. uEvery th set is displayed, starting with the th, until the depth exceeds %s or the screen is full. Displacements and other quantities will be tabulated for a range of immersion depths. These quantities are calculated at depth increments of %s. Tabulate displacements C~o~ntinue a If "decimals" =0 then width must be at least 2, otherwise width must be at least "decimals"+3. depth item width decimals ~C~ancel !Formatting of displacement tables ~C~ancel ~F~resh ~S~alt ~O~ther +( %s %s) ( %s %s) ( %s) Specify water density: ~l~eft ~r~ight 3The boat faces in the graphics screens. of a straight-line interpolant. In constructing spline (or, in Stations, power law) curves, the program steps along the curve with steps no longer than %s. Then points are deleted if they lie within %s Change precision, etc. C~o~ntinue ~P~rint Length: Increment: knots sp-lng Froude Speed: Units Conversion =Specify displacement %s or depth %s 'Speed friction Spilman Taylor Winters Resistance in %s ~C~ancel Table of resistances ~C~ancel The file name is %s AThe following string of up to 255 characters identifies the hull: Hull identifier ~C~ancel tPatterns must be made smaller to allow for the thickness of the skin. Specify desired skin thickness: %s. Construct skin CTS/DTR Handshake Stop bits 7 bits 8 bits Word length Parity Baud rate Communications parameters draft Graphics quality Character width: dots Line spacing: /216 inches Compression Graphics code: Setup string: Horiz Vert Print area, in/mm Horiz Vert Resolution, dots ~C~ancel ~T~est ~D~efault Other printing parameters B(Formatting: #13:new line, #3:centre text, #4:right justification) ~Y~es Retain aspect ratio? @Text (up to 255 characters) to be printed below graphics output: writing ~m~etafile writing ~b~itmap p~r~inting bitmap Pause after Point size %s +Text width %s height %s >Box width %s height %s position %s ~F~itting curves ~S~plines ~G~rid lines (if present) ~L~abels (Draggable) ~P~oints Bo~X~ outline 6Print the following: Solid curves and centre line @Text (up to 255 characters) to be printed above graphics output: ~C~ancel Print contents of graphics box ~C~ancel writing ~m~etafile writing ~b~itmap p~r~inting bitmap Pause after 1(Put width or height = 0 to cancel text printing) +Text width %s height %s HStation (number) Rocker (distance) [i.e., distance above keel line y=0] #Text to be printed on each pattern: Print station plans ~C~ancel Courier Helvetica Times Symbol A size paper B size paper 7440 (A4 paper) 7470 (A3 paper) A size paper B size paper A4 size paper A3 size paper A size paper B size paper A4 size paper A3 size paper 90 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 18 colour (XL only) 90 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 8 colour 180 dpi, 18 colour (XL only) 90 dpi 180 dpi HP VLO 75 dpi HP LO 100 dpi HP MED 150 dpi HP HIGH 300 dpi HP VLO 75 dpi HP LO 100 dpi HP MED 150 dpi HP HIGH 300 dpi LQ LO 180x180 dpi LQ MED 180x360 dpi LQ HIGH 360x360 dpi EP VLO 60x 72 dpi EP LO 120x 72 dpi EP MED 240x 72 dpi EP HIGH 240x216 dpi Paper size Fonts Resolution XNot all printers support all modes. Check your printer manual and use the F1 (help) key. Output file name No form feed Form feed Form feed? Sheet Continuous Paper type Portrait Landscape Plot orientation LPT1 (PRN) File output Printer port Epson 9 pin Epson 24 pin HP LaserJet/Deskjet HP DeskJet C Colour HP PaintJet B&W HP PaintJet,XL Colour HP ThinkJet HP 7475A Plotter HP 7550 Plotter HP 7440,7470 Plotters HP LaserJet HPGL Mode PostScript Printer Printer Select printer options Print ~R~evise Revise printer set-up ~C~ancel Return to Output file name: %s Form feed %s %s-feed paper %s orientation Printer port: %s Printer: %s Printer choice and set-up: Select printer options ~D~efault ~C~ancel CTS/DTR Handshake Stop bits 7 bits 8 bits Word length Parity Baud rate Communications parameters Output file name LPT1 (PRN) File output Printer port Select printer port ~C~ancel 1/1000 inches (~c~) 1/40 mm (~d) HPGL Units inches (~a~) Ft-In-Eighths(~b) Units for tables Spacing in x or y: (%s) A~s~ is ~U~niform w(The spacing is uniform in x where the contour is more nearly horizontal, and uniform in y where more nearly vertical.) These tables are as follows: [As is]: the tables appearing in the ChangeG Stations function [Uniform]: uniformly spaced in x (distance from mid-plane) or y (height above keel line). GA table of values of x and y will be written for each selected station. Save station coordinates ~C~ancel Spacing is (%s) Points on the station will be at multiples of the given spacing in x or y. Where the station outline is nearer horizontal the spacing will be uniform in x, and where nearer vertical it will be uniform in y. "Space points uniformly on stations AboutBox5F BackupBox ChangeLength ConfirmPrntBox DemoAboutBoxh@ DemoBoxbh Displacements FairingParam GPrntBoxaD HullInfoBoxaS HullOffsetsp| Identifier MainMenu MakeSkin NewDepth NewStem OffsetBoxf< OrderBox PPortBox PrGraph4 PrParam PrPlt Reformat ResistancesII ScaleBeamB SpacePointsAe StationDisplay StatusLineSW StnOffsets Strings UnitBox